This Photostory was Written by Robots

      Hi everyone!! I had a really interesting(?) idea for a photostory! I’m sure many of you have heard of Chat GPT. It’s a very big deal right now. If not, it’s an AI that can write stuff for you. It’s very controversial, so I thought I’d use it for something not controversial! Plus, I was curious if it was actually any good. I gave it something to write about and it wrote this story for me. I took pictures to go along with it, and now it’s a lovely(?) little photostory! So, here it is!

Once upon a time, in a small town nestled in the Piney Woods, there was a young girl named Maryellen. She loved nothing more than exploring the great outdoors and going on adventures with her friends. One day, while hiking in the woods, Maryellen stumbled upon a strange creature lurking in the shadows.

At first, she thought it was just a figment of her imagination, but as she got closer, she realized that it was a real-life monster! She quickly snapped a picture of it with her phone and ran back to town to tell all her friends.

However, none of them believed her. Not even Eden, who was obsessed with paranormal TV shows. But Maryellen was determined to prove them wrong.

So, she recruited her friend Kaya to help her search for the creature in the woods. And to their surprise, they found that things weren't always what they seemed.

As they got closer to the spot where Maryellen had seen the monster, they stumbled upon a group of people dressed in strange costumes. It turned out that they were just local actors rehearsing for a play in the woods.

Maryellen and Kaya couldn't stop laughing at how silly they had been for thinking that there was a monster in the woods. And from that day on they learned to approach things with a more skeptical eye, but that didn't stop them from continuing to explore the great outdoors and going on adventures. They even joined the local theater group and helped with the play in the woods, which turned out to be a huge success. Maryellen had learned that sometimes the scariest things can turn out to be the most fun and exciting adventures.


       Well, I think the AI did ok with writing this! It’s pretty well-written, but it’s short and not much further developed than the prompt I gave it. The “things weren’t always what they seemed” was nearly my exact words as what I said in the prompt, and I was a little surprised it used it word-for-word! Overall, I think I’m the better Just Dolling writer, so you don’t have to worry about this blog being taken over by any robot overlords any time soon! I won’t go down willingly, at least! Let me know what you guys thought of it in the comments, and if I should do a Written by Robots part 2! That’s all for now! Have a great week and remember to eat your veggies! Bye! <3

       - E, the girl behind Just Dolling


  1. ChatGPT...definitely creeps me out. But the photostory was pretty interesting, if a little short. This was a cool idea!

    1. Yeah, I’ve wanted to mess around with Chat GPT for a while now, so I thought it would be an interesting experiment.

  2. Very interesting! Yeah, I like your stories much better. This fell very flat and got summed up too quickly

    1. Definitely! It deleted my prompt so I wasn’t able to paste it into this post, but I technically wrote a pretty good portion of it. (I’m way better than all you robots here. Sorry not sorry.)

    2. I agree with Heather! Flat is the right word to use and as an avid reader of JustDolling, I can safely say, no robot can ever replace your witty personality in all your writing. 😊

    3. Thank you. <3

  3. Viola (otherwise known as the blogger who has a name that has nothing to do with her content)Apr 12, 2023, 6:20:00 PM

    KIRA: Well, as we can all PLAINLY see our world as we know it is soon going to be over run by robots and, I am sure that ATM's are the bosses and need to be killed as soon as possible, like look what happened to JUSTDOLLING she has been taken by robots and been replaced by JUSTDOLLING 2.0.!

    VIOLA: I am sure that didn't happen.

    KIRA: *Smashes hand on table * I AM SURE!! and i am 100% SURE MOLLY WILL AGREE!!!

    1. Molly: WAIT NO, MARYELLEN AND EDEN WERE JUST WATCHING A SHOW ABOUT THAT- and they only watch so-called educational shows!!!! That means ITS DEFINITELY HAPPENING.

      E: Wait- what? I didn’t get replaced by robots??!? Molly, I’m right here!

      Molly: Not for long!!! The robots are going to get you!!! They’re coming for the bloggers first!

      E: And this was on the show Eden and Maryellen were watching?…

  4. Replies
    1. *Sarcasm* Oh wow, are you calling me a bad writer?! I thought as an author you’d appreciate my mad writing skills! XD I definitely want to force an AI to write a photostory again. That was fun.

    2. PFFFFT yo I use ai to write for fun happens to the best of us...hehe! <3 P.S ur writing is AMAZING, ai ain't got nothing on you!


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