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My Collecting Goals for 2025

      Hey guys! Since it's 2025, I thought it might be time to make my New Year's resolutions. I'm not much of a resolution maker, but I think having some goals for my doll collecting this year would be extremely helpful for me. I also thought that making a blog post about my goals would be easy to refer back to and help keep me accountable. So yeah, hopefully you guys don't mind seeing my goals! Let's get into it!  No more than 2 new American Girl dolls in my collection (Ideally 0) I have mentioned some that I'm not planning on adding any new dolls to my collection. I have all of the historicals, and there aren't really any other dolls I want to seek out! If I find a doll that I can't pass up, I'll allow myself to buy her, but I really don't want to go over two new additions this year. After that, if a doll comes in, a doll has to come out. My goal is technically one new addition, but I'll allow two max. In a perfect world, I'll add zero...

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