A Formal Introduction

       Hello everyone! I’d like this post to be a formal introduction to my blog. While Just Dolling is technically “new,” I actually started it way back in 2018. I really wanted a way to share my love for American Girl dolls. Back when it started, I only had five dolls: Marie Grace, Kit, Julie, Felicity, and Luciana. 

The family photo from my very first welcome post

       I only posted on my blog for a short time, though. I wasn’t the best at prioritizing the posts and would often forget about it for long periods of time. After a while, I just kind of stopped posting. 
       But I’m back. After 4 years, I love my dolls more than ever. My family of 5 has grown to over 30 (How that happened, I have no idea) and I feel very inspired to share my love for AG again. There are so many awesome doll bloggers out there who, unbeknownst to them, inspired me to get back here. 

This has always been my favorite photo from my old posts :)

       But enough of that sentimental stuff! I need to prepare you for what’s ahead! Expect photo shoots, reviews, lots of AG references, and maybe an occasional photo story or stop motion (I make no promises)! I will definitely do an all my dolls post, but that requires me to get all my dolls dressed, so a may take a while. Like… a couple months… but I plan on posting before then, even if you don’t know who my dolls are! 

My old photos were so grainy??

    I’ve taken off all my old posts. Not deleted, just unshared. I may share them again in a throwback Thursday type thing. Although, they were typically pretty short, so I’m not sure if that would be entertaining. Don’t worry, though. All the old pictures are spread out through this post! 

       Of course, I need to introduce myself! I’m a crazy, doll obsessed teen who lives and breathes AG. (I don’t eat AG, though. That would be weird) I’m a very optimistic person, and I think my posts will reflect that. I absolutely love to craft, and sewing is one of my biggest hobbies. I’m sure there will be lots of craft posts in the future! My school runs on an alternative schedule, which basically means that I get a lot of breaks, but not a lot of time in the afternoon to do stuff, so my posting schedule will probably reflect that. I will try to get a regular posting schedule down, though. 

       Ahh, that’s quite enough about me! I hope I didn’t bore you too much ;). I look forward to my future posts. Now, enjoy the rest of my old photos! 

That’s a wrap! See you guys again soon! <3


  1. Once again, I must say that is was a wonderfully written introduction! Its busting at the seams with creativity! I love it! Keep up the hard work!


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