My Two Cents on The New Historicals


       Hi everybody! Welcome back to another opinions post. I enjoyed doing this with Kavi, so I thought I would do it again with Isabel and Nicki! Just like I briefly mentioned last time, I tend to have more unpopular opinions on things that AG does. Just remember that these are only my opinions and we’ll get into the post!

        Nicki Hoffman

        Ok. Repeated name aside, Nicki is gorgeous. The thing that stands out to me right away is that hair. I’m completely obsessed with it. I think her outfit probably looks like something a 9 year old trying to be grungy would wear?? I wasn’t alive in the 90s, and I was barely alive in the 2000s, so I have no clue! It’s very cute, though! It’s made up of some really cute basics.  I’m not sure what AG is trying to do with the recent journals, and it bothers me a little since the historicals books are always written in third person and have realistic illustrations, but I’ll just trust them for now.

       Again, that hair! 🤩 Her lips are a color I’ve never seen before, and her face is overall kind of makeup-y. I know that bothers a lot of people, but for myself personally, I don’t mind it. I age up my dolls to be around my age, and since I’m a teenager, the painted eyelashes are totally age appropriate. Overall, I think she’s really unique. I can’t wait to see more of her! 

Isabel Hoffman 

      Again, repeated name aside, Isabel is cute. She’s a little unsettling in her stock photo, but I’m going to give her the benefit of the doubt. There are lots of dolls I’ve seen in stock photos that look way more adorable in real life! She already looks a lot cuter in some of AG’s promo pictures. 

      This is one of my favorites. I love the Joss mold on her. We don’t have any blonde Joss molds yet, and it’s just *chef’s kiss* especially with the eyes that Felicity has! Something about her looks so familiar the more I look at her, but I just can’t place it. Isabel is very girl-y, and AG’s website hints at her style being something unique that she has to stand up for. I wish I knew more about their stories, but I can relate kinda to what I do know! Her meet outfit is adorable. It’s apparently a pink version of an outfit from Clueless, and even though the shirt and sweater vest is one piece, I could see myself using it a lot. I think the pin stripes on the button up shirt are the icing on the cake that completes the outfit. I actually wore an Isabel inspired outfit to school on Thursday, because why not? Again, I look forward to seeing more of Isabel! 

Nicki’s Accessories 

       I’m a huge fan of the sunglasses in this set. And the choker. They’re very cute accessories that I would definitely use for my dolls! The bag kind of looks a little like Kavi’s, but I don’t think that’s a bad thing. I prefer it to Kavi’s, I think. I love that Nicki’s journal is included, because it has a part in her story! (Or, rather, it is her story) I’m loving the AG merch. I really love the color of the hat, and I like how it doesn’t really match with the colors of her meet outfit. The pins are attached to it, and not really in the best spot if you don’t want your doll to wear it backwards. My favorite thing in this set might be the grin pins, though! I think I actually have some lying around here somewhere…

Isabel’s Accessories 

       Again, I love that the journal is included. Both the girls have kind of the same things, just a completely different vibe. The beret fits in perfectly with Isabel’s meet outfit, and opposite of Nicki’s hat, I like how it coordinates with the skirt. The sunglasses are also appealing to me. I’m a fan of doll chokers, but Isabel’s doesn’t appeal to me quite as much as Nicki’s does. I don’t think it matches the vibe of her meet outfit, but it’s in general a wonderful piece. The bag almost reminds me of the Summer 2020 Cute at Heart mix and match collection. It’s kind of Kawaii looking, I guess. I also think I prefer the Grin Pins to the stickers in Isabel’s set. Grin Pins are an unbeatable classic. 

Nicki’s Skateboarding Outfit

          I’m obsessed with this outfit! I can see myself asking for it for my birthday or Christmas. Doll overalls are adorable and I really like the puffer vest. The safety gear is sold separately, but that doesn’t actually make me change my mind on it. If it didn’t come with the skateboard, it would definitely be overpriced, but since AG doesn’t make many skateboards, and they’re usually part of a big set, that seems fair to me. 

Isabel’s Tennis Outfit

       This outfit is adorable! I’m not as partial to it as I am with Nicki’s Skateboard Outfit, but it is very, very tempting. I love the spring color palette. The sweater vest is attached to the dress, which means it’s not quite as versatile, but it’s adorable as a whole.

Nicki’s Pajamas

       The nightgown looks pretty 90s, I think, but I can’t get over the monkey slippers! They’re my favorite part, and almost want to make me buy it! I will resist for now, but it’s very tempting. :) 

Isabel’s Pajamas

       Ok, I really do love the pattern. Florals are a go-to for me, personally. The thing I can’t get over, however, is that these pajamas are long sleeve with pants! I’m tall, so sleeves and pants are way too short on me. It’s way too uncomfortable for me to wear these things to sleep… when you’re supposed to be super comfy! I don’t know why this impacts my opinion on the outfit, but for some reason it does?? I don’t know, I don’t feel this way about Molly’s pajamas or even Julie’s Beforever pajamas (which I have in girl size and literally fit the description of what I described because they’re a size too small)! It’s weird. 

Nicki’s Bedroom Accessories 

        I like this a lot! I’m almost tempted to buy it, but AG chairs don’t fit in my dollhouse well. The chair is the main thing I like. The Grin Pins banner is a close second! I think this set looks like a bunch of things that a girl would have in her room. Which, of course, is the point! I have no further comments! 

Isabel’s Bedroom Accessories 

          This set is so bedroom-y. Like, these are the types of things that I put in doll rooms to complete them. I HAVE to point out the magazine, though. The AG magazine was the best thing EVER. I still have a little doll magazine that came in a special edition AG magazine from 2017. I want more doll magazines. :(  Would I buy this set just for the magazine? That wouldn’t be too out of character, but I will resist. 

Nicki’s Bed

         Wait, ok, I just decided that Nicki and Isabel’s beds are my favorite things in their collection. I prefer Nicki’s bed, I think! I love that they’re the same with different bedding because that just seems super twin-like to me. I’m loving all this purple in Nicki’s collection, because it’s kind of moody but still really fun. I LOVE the animal print. I also love the alien pillow!!! Maryellen and Eden need it. Too bad it wouldn’t fit well in my dollhouse. I think the price is very standard with AG beds, though. 

Isabel’s Bed

         Isabel’s bedding reminds me of some bedding I had when I was little. I wasn’t around in the 90’s, though! I’m sure that my bedspread looked nothing like Isabel’s does, but still. This bed is very much my vibe. Let’s not forget Miss AG bear! Of course, if this were me, I would have a doll on my bed! Probably Min-Ji because she’s the best doll to hug, which is perfect because Min-Ji was around in the 90s! The twins could have totally had an AGOT 4! 

Isabel and Nicki’s Pet Set

       They’re cute. Doll pets aren’t really my thing. I have a lot of them, but never really use them. I like the calico cat, though! AG’s never done that before! 

Isabel and Nicki’s BOOK IT Set 

         Before the twins came out, I was telling my mom what items they had in the leaks, and she got really excited about the BOOK IT set! I knew what it was, but I didn’t know it was such a big deal! This set is seriously soooooo realistic that I get hungry every time I see the pizza! I can’t get over the fact that the cup is textured, either! I’m going to need this…..

Isabel and Nicki’s Computer and Desk Set

         This is another set I’m obsessed with. The little details are so appealing to me. And the mug. Maryellen and Eden are definitely going to want that. Yup. It’s pretty decently priced, too in my opinion. The computer may not work, but compared to Courtney’s Fitness Accessories, there’s a lot more there that I would use, at least. I think the rug is cool, too. AG doesn’t make a lot of rugs. 

Isabel and Nicki’s 2-in-1 Tennis Court and Skate Set

    This isn’t a bad big-ticket item! It’s pretty inexpensive (for a big-ticket item) and I could see a lot of photo opportunities with it. The skate park really appeals to me, especially since I missed the last skate park, but I don’t have the room! I like that it’s relatively realistic, too!

      Well, that was my two cents! Of course I would prefer AG release dolls from before the 1900s that don’t have repeated names, but the twins are very cute. I like them a lot more than I thought I would when they were first rumored. Will I get them? Well, maybe. You’ll just have to wait and see!

      So, what do you guys think about Isabel and Nicki? Have a great week and remember to eat your veggies! Bye! <3 <3 <3


  1. This was honestly really fun to read! I love reading people's opinions on doll stuff! Whenever I see Isabel's stock photos she looks so creepy to me! I bet she looks better in person it's just those eyebrows....

    1. Thanks! I do too! Isabel is definitely a little creepy in her stock photo, but all the other pictures of her that I’ve seen are really cute.

  2. Great thoughts! Also have you ever tried Wordpress as a site or do you just prefer blogger?

    1. Thanks! I made this blog before I was familiar with Wordpress, and I went back to it in October because it already existed. I really like the format of all the Wordpress blogs I’ve seen, though.

  3. I love nicki so much!! Love her can’t wait to see her with you!!!!!

    1. I know it!! I’m loving how unique she is! One could say she’s… Swaggy slay. 😁

  4. I agree with you on a lot of this! YES that skateboarding outfit!

    1. I know, right??? My dolls might need that outfit… especially since I have a few that skateboard (and they don’t have any skateboards)!

  5. The pet set and Nikki's pjs UGH I LOVE THAT! It's so cute its actually amazing.

    1. It IS all adorable, isn’t it???!


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