The Coveted Collector Tag


    Hey friends! Yes, we're totally going to ignore my nonexistent posting schedule. Lately, I've been thinking about what I should post, and I realized that I really like discussions about peoples' collection preferences. It's super interesting to me for no reason. XD So, I decided to make a post about it! And not just any post, but a tag! This is the first tag I've personally made, so hopefully you guys enjoy it!

    Here are the rules: 
    1. Thank the person who nominated you!
    2. Link back to the original post (the one you're reading right now!) 
    3. Include the tag photo
    4. Tag 1-5 people
    5. Have fun! 

    Now onto the questions! (And my answers lol)

First of all, how many AG dolls do you have in your collection?

    I have 44 dolls in my personal AG collection! It's quite a few, so good thing there's no such thing as "too many dolls," right? *Nervous laughter*

Who was your first doll?

    My first doll was Marie Grace! I got her for Christmas in 2013, almost 10 years ago.

Who is your most recent doll?

    My newest doll is Nanea. I've had her since, like, the beginning of August and I still haven't introduced her yet... oops. And there are two other dolls I haven't introduced, either. I'm so bad at this lol.  

Is there a doll that you love but everyone else seems to hate?

    I personally have a few! Courtney is one that I have a special attachment to, but most of the AG community seems to not love, mostly because of her appearance and time period. She was a birthday gift from my aunt, who was around Courtney's age in 1986 and was super hyped for her release. My whole family was honestly soooo hyped for Courtney, and it's super special for me to think about. 

    Another doll that's pretty unliked that I like a lot is Logan. He's mostly resented because of the controversy with him having the Kaya mold. I agree that giving Logan the Kaya mold was not a great decision, but I'm not actually sure if I knew about that controversy or not when I got him. I definitely didn't know back when he came out. I don't know if I even knew about the different face molds. Logan came out when I was starting to get really into American Girl, and even though I really wanted him, I got him years later. I used to think that if I had a boy doll, my brother would play dolls with me. So Logan, for me, is mostly tied to nostalgia. 

A doll that everyone loves but you don’t?

    So... I have a long list of Truly Me's I don't like... I can't think of a lot of dolls I dislike that are super popular among collectors, but there are a lot of pretty popular Truly Me dolls that I have unnecessary grudges against.          

In your opinion, who is the most underrated AG doll?

    There's no convincing me that Ruthie isn't the most underrated AG doll. She's the most underrated character doll, at least. I've never seen anyone talk about her and I hardly ever see anyone with her in their collection. I think she's a gorgeous doll, even though she doesn't look the way she's illustrated in the books.

Most overrated?

    In my opinion, while 49 definitely doesn't get a ton of attention, I typically call her "the most overrated underrated doll." I have no good reason. I'm sorry. Sue me.

What is your favorite face mold?

    At the moment, I think mine is the Addy mold. I'm obsessed with my Toni, my Truly Me 31, because the Addy mold is absolutely stunning.

Least favorite?

    I'm going to have to say Josefina. I literally don't hate the Josefina mold at all, but I've noticed this weird thing where I'm currently having trouble bonding with my Josefina molds. It could just be a weird coincidence, and it's very ironic because I'm wanting a doll that has the Josefina mold and 2 of my 3 newest dolls have the Josefina mold.

Which Beforever meet outfit is, in your opinion, the best? 

    Maybe Felicity's? Let's be real, you either love Beforever Felicity or hate her, and for me, Beforever Felicity just so happened to be the doll I fell in love with as a kid. I thought her original meet outfit was super boring for the longest time, and her purple meet outfit was just okay. The rich turquoise with vibrant, contrasting yellow, however, was stunning. 🤣

Alternatively, which is the worst?

    I'm going to have to go with Kit or Julie's. I used to love both of those outfits, probably because I was exactly the kind of kid AG was trying to market to. 😭

What feature do you wish AG would give a doll?

    I want a doll with 4C curls so, so badly. I love doing my dolls' hair, and there would be so many hair styling possibilities! I'm really contemplating getting 112 because her hair is honestly what I'm looking for, but I'm not quite sold. If only 112 was an Addy mold. I'd buy her so fast because that's kinda my dream doll at this point. 😭

If you were in charge of AG for a day, what things would you do business-wise for the company? 

    I'd make a new historical character. Maybe one from the 1830s just because I love 1830s fashion. We need to bring back gigot sleeves, guys.

What’s an unpopular AG opinion you have?

    Uhh... maybe not unpopular per se, but Caroline's eyes are GREEN and that's a hill I'm willing to die on.

What’s an AG outfit you’d wear?

    There are honestly SO many AG outfits I'd wear. I actually kind of try to copy American Girl outfits a lot, so my whole wardrobe is pretty much modern versions of a ton of my dolls' stuff. One of my favorites is Samantha's special day dress.

Do you collect any dolls other than American Girl? 

    I do. And that's why I'm broke. 😢 I collect Monster High, and since the Barbie movie came out, I've gotten into Barbie as well. It's a whole thing. (Also, if you guys are interested in seeing my other collections, I'm totally up for making posts about that.)

    I hope you guys enjoyed hearing my answers! I know I'll enjoy reading all of yours! I'm tagging:

    RJ from Adventures of AG Dolls

    Reesa from The Dollville Blog

    Annabelle from AG Book Wormz

    Here are the questions for you guys!

First of all, how many AG dolls do you have in your collection?
Who was your first doll?
Who is your most recent doll?
Is there a doll that you love but everyone else seems to hate?
A doll that everyone loves but you don’t?
In your opinion, who is the most underrated AG doll?
Most overrated?
What is your favorite face mold?
Least favorite?
Which Beforever meet outfit is, in your opinion, the best? 
Alternatively, which is the worst?
If you were in charge of AG for a day, what things would you do business-wise for the company? 
What’s an unpopular AG opinion you have?
What’s an AG outfit you’d wear?
Do you collect any dolls other than American Girl? 

    That's all for today! I hope to be back with another post (hint hint) very soon! Until then, have a great day and remember to eat your veggies! Bye! <3



  1. Aww, thank you so much for tagging me!!
    I loved all of your answers! Ooh, I can't wait to see your Nanea! Your photography is amazing, and I know she'll look stunning!
    But...Caroline's eyes are not green. XD

    1. You’re welcome! I can’t wait to read your answers! Nanea is a gorgeous doll, and I’ve definitely already taken some photos of her! It’s probably time for a photo dump…
      I really disagree. XD They look so green to me.

  2. I loved this tag! So many amazing questions!
    FINALLY! Someone who agrees Caroline's eyes aren't blue, they're green!

    1. Ah yay! I was hoping these questions would be interesting!
      YES!! I was looking at my Caroline earlier today trying to decide if I was just crazy. XD

  3. Great answers! Thanks for tagging me!

    1. You’re welcome! I hope you enjoy it!

  4. Fun! I can't wait to see the new dolls!!

    1. I can't wait to post about them!


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