Sidewalk Chalk ~ A Photoshoot


Hi guys!! This post is totally last-minute, but I'm making it, and that's all that matters, right? I had this photoshoot idea at 5 o'clock on Sunday night, but you know what? Sometimes that's just how it goes around here. So, I hope you guys enjoy! 

I made the dress she's wearing about a week ago. Something possessed me to hand-sew not only the tiny buttons over each of the faux buttonholes, but the snap closures, too. That was a painful two hours. 

This pose was extremely hard to get her in. 😠 

It's been warm outside lately (which I'm absolutely delighted about) and kids in my neighborhood have been playing outside more often. Seeing chalk drawings on driveways gave me the idea for this photoshoot. 

I don't know what to say here. It's an... okay(?) photo. 

Why does Min-Ji have to be so cute? I'm well aware I feature her on the blog too much, but she is genuinely one of my favorite dolls. I feel like she's a bit easier to photograph on a camera rather than my phone. I've pretty much stopped using my phone for photography at this point, and I think my photography has improved since I started using an actual camera more often. I got a set of filters for Christmas, and I am in love with the results I've been getting. 

This is why Min-Ji is ✨perfection.✨

That's all for today! It was a short post, but like I said, it was very last-minute. 
Have a great day and remember to eat your veggies! Bye! <3


  1. So cute! I'm sure it was hard to pose her with the chalk but it literally looks so adorable. My friends and I have a tradition of doing a sidewalk chalk drawing competition on the last day of school, so drawing with chalk definitely holds a special place in my heart. I love these photos!

    1. Aw, thank you! That sounds like such a fun tradition. <3

  2. These pictures are all so cute! <3 I love the springy feel they give off. And You did such a good job making Min-Ji's dress, it looks great!

  3. I just adore these pictures! The third photo is my undisputed favorite of these--your hard work posing her definitely paid off!


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