A Flea Market Find (Cuz I've Been Gone)


    Hey guys! Long time, no post! (Well, not really a terribly long period of time, but I swear I'm not dead.) I had a lot planned for May, and so far I've ended up taking a break on blogging so that I can focus on schoolwork. I've had a lot to do; homework, AP testing, and now finals are this week! Ugh! Luckily, after that it's summer break, and I can post about whatever I want! In the meantime, I had a fun little flea market find that I thought I would quickly share. I literally haven't done a flea market haul in, like, ages. This haul came from the same place that I got Min-Ji. So yeah. Let's do this flea market haul thing (with the bad photos I took in my dad's truck). 

First thing's first is this red AG store shirt! I actually have one from the old Seattle store that I thrifted years ago, but this one was being sold with another shirt that I wanted. This one is from the Dallas store, though. 

This was the other shirt I really wanted- the shirt from the First Day Outfit! I thought it would be a good mix and match piece. I have it on Troy right now, and I think it's super adorable. Also, since this shirt came from the same flea market as Min-Ji, there may be a small chance that it's the exact same shirt Min-Ji originally came in. That's kind of cool to think about. 

This next piece is Emily's cardigan! I only paid $3 for this, which is a huge steal imo. This is another piece I thought would be adorable to mix and match with. 

Eek, I also got Nellie's pajamas. I've wanted these for years! 

And finally, Nellie's coat! This was the most expensive piece, but I think I only paid $30 for this entire lot, so it was totally worth it. 

That's all for today! It was a super short post, but I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm focusing on school right now. I'll be back next week. I just gotta get through finals! Let me know in the comments what kinds of posts you want to see from me this summer. Until then, have a great week, and remember to eat your veggies! Bye! <3


  1. Ooh, all of that is so cute! nice finds!
    good luck with finals and tests!

  2. Ooh, those are some fun finds! Glad to see you posting again!

    ~Diamond @ buildabearsfurever.wordpress.com

  3. How cool! I love a good haul <3 The AG clothes you got are amazing :)

  4. those are some great finds! Nellie's coat is just adorable, what a steal!


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