Cousins - Episode 1


    Hey guysssss! What is this?? I wrote a photo story?? No, even better- a photo series?! On top of that, a photo series that I actually have an ending for??? I know you guys are probably wondering, "Who are you and what did you do with E?!" I am also wondering the same thing, for the record. This story has been formulating in my mind for months now, and I guess I just finally sat down and wrote it! Now, if only the same thing would happen with all the other things I want to write... Eh, regardless, enjoy this photo series! (I think this episode is kinda short, but this series is going to have a lot of parts. Trust me.) 



“This art project has me stumped,” I said, turning to talk to Min-Ji, who sat behind me in art class. 

“That’s what happens when you go to a school with ‘arts’ in the name and you’re not artistic,” Min-Ji teased. “Funny how that works, isn’t it?” 

I rolled my eyes at the friendly banter. “Listening to Hozier doesn’t exactly qualify you as an artist, either.” 

“Okay! I admit defeat! I am just as lost on this project as you are. What do you say we look for a little inspiration at the Piney Grove shopping center?”

“I would totally love to go to the mall, but my cousin’s family is getting here this afternoon,” I reminded Min-Ji. 

“Oh, that’s right. Your cousin. Have fun with that.” Min-Ji gave me a knowing look. She knew exactly how I felt about seeing my cousin. After all, Min-Ji was my best friend, and best friends tell each other everything.

I still wasn’t sure how I felt about my cousin moving in across the street from me. I grew up surrounded by extended family, but after moving to Piney Grove, I fell out of contact with my cousins and other family members, except for the occasional family-get-together on the occasional holiday. A few weeks ago, my parents had told me that the cousin closest to me in age was moving to Piney Grove. I hadn’t spoken to her in ages.

“We’ll see. Did I mention that I’m slightly nervous to see her again?” I asked Min-Ji. I already knew the answer to that. 

“Only 5000 times. But go ahead, mention it one more time,” she replied. 

“You’re so mean, Min-Ji,” I teased. (Her and I tease each other a lot, if that wasn't already blatantly obvious.) “It’s just that I don’t have the best track record with this cousin. We got along pretty well when we were really, really young, but I dunno. After a while we, like, stopped getting along. I think the last time I saw her was in 6th grade.” 

“Well, you were kind of annoying in 6th grade. But why exactly are you worried?”

“I dunno, Min-Ji! Why wouldn’t I be worried??” 

“You’re so over dramatic. I’m sure everything will be fine. You’re family, after all.”
“You better be right about that.”

At that moment, the bell rang, signaling the end of class and the end of the school day. Deep down, I knew I was worried about nothing. It’s not like I was incapable of making conversation and I wasn’t weird enough to scare my cousin off. At least, I hoped not. Still, my worries lingered. I’m what my mom calls a “natural worrier,” or a “chronic overthinker,” if you will. Sometimes I let the what-ifs get the better of me, and there’s nothing I can do to stop them. I knew I’d just have to hope for the best, no matter how horrible or painfully awkward things were destined to go. 

Shoving my empty sketchbook in my bag, I turned to Min-Ji again. “Do you need a ride?” 

She shook her head. “My brother is picking me up today.” 

“Alright. I’ll try to call you later.” (Min-Ji and I are always talking. We’re practically attached at the hip.) 

I said bye to Min-Ji and made my way out to the student parking lot. As I walked to my car, (Yes, I’m a 16-year old with my own car. I am very proud of that.) I silently hoped that things would go smoothly with my cousin now in town.


    Yayyyyyyy. Idk what to write here. Well, I hope you guys liked the first part. Like I said, it was short, but it sets the tone for the rest of the series. I'm having a ton of fun finally writing through Troy's POV. He's a character that I've put a TON of work into developing, so I'm extremely excited to show off who he is. I'm also excited for the sake of my writing that I already have episode 2 written and episode 3 in the works- I'm just waiting for a little delivery to arrive in the mail before I can get that posted. *hint hint, wink wink* (If I don't have episode 2 out on Monday, it's because my package hasn't arrived yet. I just thought I'd disclose that. I am very excited for this package if you can't tell.)

    Until then, have an amazing week, and remember to eat your veggies! Bye! <3


  1. I love your photo stories and a photo story series is even better!! I can’t wait to see how this one develops and don’t know how I’m going to wait for the next episode! 😂

  2. Oooh, yes, I am very excited for whatever's going to happen!! And a package? Also very exciting!
    I must also say, I really like this Troy! (I had to go look him up in your very amazing meet the dolls page, because I don't remember seeing him before, but he's super cute and I can't wait to see more)
    (P.S. I have not eaten my veggies yet, but that's because it's 9:45 on a Monday and I don't normally have veggies for breakfast. I will eat them, I promise!)

    1. Yay! (I meant to have the second part out today but I forgot to take pictures... oops!) Yes packages are very exciting. 👀
      Troy hasn't been featured near enough on my blog and it's a shame because I really love his character. I'm excited to have a photo series focused around him!
      What?? You don't eat veggies for every meal?! Unacceptable! 😂

  3. I relate to the feeling of not being close with one's cousins...I can't wait to see what happens next in this story. Great start so far!

  4. This is such a good story, so far <3 I'm very excited to see what happens next!

  5. Min-Ji and Troy are such perfect friends! So excited to read more of this!

    1. Thank you, Reesa! I honestly find Min-Ji and Troy's friendship so sweet. I love writing them.

  6. Photoseries! Very exciting! (I love reading photoseries and strongly dislike actually writing them myself.) Also, I have to say, Troy is really cute. Looking forward to seeing what happens next!


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