Joss and Julie ~ A Photoshoot (Entry For Dollympics Week 3)


    Well hello, hello! (I don't know what I'm doing with this intro.) You guys know what time it is- time for another Dollympics entry! Yes, I promise I'll get back to Cousins eventually. The next part is almost completely written, I've just put it on the back burner because Dollympics has my competitive side coming out. (I didn't know I had a competitive side?) Also has anyone else noticed that I've completely thrown my posting schedule out the window? I don't know what day of the week it is anymore. 

    Anyway... moving on to the photos...

Honestly, it took me two attempts to get these photos right. I went out to take these photos, but it was too bright, so I did the same photoshoot the next day. I'm not completely happy with them, but I feel like I tried something a bit different than usual.

Joss is cuter than I remember... I guess I need to take more photos of her lol!

I don't know what to say here.

I was so sad because I've misplaced Joss' hearing aid. I keep it in the case unless I'm using her, and I have no idea where the case went. 😡 I think it's in a bucket of doll accessories somewhere. But also this photo is cute.

I don't really know what's going on here. I was attempting a candid photo and I don't think I love it.

Yeah, I dunno

Again, no further comment.

Again, I have no idea what's going on here. I think I just wanted some shots of Julie.

Even closer to Julie. 😱 Her hair has a lot of flyaways, but that's fair considering I have had her since I was 8 years old. I was really proud of how I was able to keep her hair nice when I was younger lol.

These jeans seriously look so cute with the knee pads over them. I love these jeans so much because their cut is just 🤩. I made them, and I used Ivy's meet pants as a template for the pattern! Ivy's pants have the cutest bootcut flair and it made for such a trendy pair of jeans.

In my mind, this is Julie impatiently waiting for Joss to get out of her way so she can launch herself down the ramp at full speed.

And here's Joss not getting out of the way. 😆 Seriously though, I do actually like this one.

I don't care for this one as much. I was glad to use the skate park set that I got from the Benefit Sale last year, though, so I really wanted to get pictures of the ramps.

Julie: "She's still not getting out of my way!"

I do this over-the-shoulder shot with my photostories a lot, and I thought it would be cool here? I can't decide if it ended up being cool or not lol.

And that's all for today! Have a great week and remember to eat your veggies! Bye! <3


  1. So cute! I absolutely LOVE the jeans. Ooh, apparently the competition is heating up! (At least on your end. I haven't gotten any other submissions yet lol. Clearly your strategy, whatever that may be, is working😂)

  2. Just came out of hibernation! Those look so lovely! I'm honestly really jealous of both of their hair its so flawless! Idk how you get these shots to look so candid!

    1. Oh my goodness, Purple Frog! I've missed your comments! It's so good to hear from you! A lot has been going on here on the blog since you went into hibernation! I hope you've been doing well irl!
      Hehe, doll hair is so much easier to get looking good than my own hair imo lol!
      Thank you so much! <3

  3. Those jeans are adorable! I love all the pictures and the over-the-shoulder shot is my go-to for photostories, too. :)

    1. Thank you!
      I totally meant to post the pattern for the jeans at some point... I should figure out how to do that. 😂
      Yess, over-the-shoulder shot supremacy!

  4. Joss!!! Sorry, I just love Joss, I didn't know you had Joss and she's adorable. That being said, both Joss and Julie look really cute in their skateboarding outfits, and I love the angles of your photos. I clearly need to experiment more with angles when I actually take photos because your photos look really good!

    1. Joss is so sweet! She was, without a doubt, my favorite doll during the Covid pandemic, and I totally forgot how cute she is.
      Thank you so much!

  5. These girls look so cute as skateboarders! The lighting is absolutely wonderful in these photos. You did a great job on this photoshoot.

    1. Ahhh, I agree, they're adorable skateboarders! Thank you!

  6. I love these pictures! Joss and Julie both look so cute in their little knee-pads! And I like the little story of Joss not getting out of the way :)


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