Melomaniac ~ A Photoshoot


    Hey guys!! Eek, I'm going to a Hozier concert! I hope you guys aren't tired of Hozier being mentioned on this blog just yet. While looking for outfit ideas for the concert, I had a doll sewing project idea, so of course, I had to take my Hozier fan girl, Min-Ji, out for a photoshoot! 

Look at her dress, guys!! She's so cute in the blue and green! I felt like this fabric gave off Hozier vibes. It reminds me of both his self-titled album and Wasteland, Baby! I'm also loving her hair in braids. 

I took like 200 photos, only to put 15 in the actual post. That's an interesting statistic. 

I was going to make this another lyrical photoshoot so that I wouldn't have to write critiques and commentary, but I was indecisive on a song lol. I was going to use Shrike, but I wanted to use a newer song since this tour goes with his newest album and EPs and I just couldn't find one that fit. 

The bokeh in these photos actually looks stellar. I was struggling to get these photos just right, but I didn't give up and I'm glad. 

Why is Min-Ji so cute?? I am not okay. I really need to stop using her for every single thing on my blog, but I can't help it. I love her an unhealthy amount. I used to dislike #4. Why am I like this?? 

I can't decide how I feel about this photo, honestly. 

I actually misplaced both of my reflectors so that's fun. Luckily, these photos turned out super cute without them.

This dress would also be super cute for Julie. I feel like it fits the 70s aesthetic. 

I don't know how well you guys can tell, but I did bell sleeves and I completely eyeballed the pattern! I love how they turned out.

It always takes me a minute to find the angles that work best for Min-Ji. She's adorable when photographed at the right spot, but her mold is so different from other AG dolls that I feel like she looks wonky sometimes when taking pictures. I don't know exactly what about her features cause this, but I find she's done the most justice when the camera is pointed up towards her. 

Of course, how could I fail to mention her bag and ring? I've had the ring set since I got my second doll, Kit, and I just never accessorize my dolls' outfits lol. They're lucky if they get shoes. But Min-Ji's my favorite, so she gets shoes AND a ring.

I am honestly failing to write photo critiques and am just writing the weirdest commentary ever. Honestly I'm just trying to get this done quickly! Hopefully you guys came here for doll pictures and aren't expecting structure! We only have chaos here at Just Dolling. 

I had to get at least one full-body shot, even if I don't love it! What do you expect? It's actually not terrible, it's just crooked. I wanted you guys to see her shoes. They're the same shoes she was wearing in the last post. 

She's too precious. No further comments. 

Andddd one final shot of Min-Ji and her glory. 

I think all that needs to be said has been said. (My humor is so dry today, y'all 😭). Anyway, have an amazing week and, since this is a Hozier-related post and I said this last time, remember to eat your young! Bye! <3 


  1. Such pretty photos! I was always wondering who Min-Ji looked like to me and I just realized she looks like Seungmin from Stray Kids! I know that's random but I also mean it in the best way, she so cute! Sorry for not commenting much been busy! Its nice to be back!

    -Brooklyn from Jessica and Lea

    1. Hey, Brooklyn! Happy to see you back! Not going to lie, I had to look up who that is, but I see the resemblance! Thanks for commenting!

  2. Okay well Min-Ji is perfect so I think all of your adoration is completely valid. That dress is so cute and I love the bokeh!

  3. Here's a sign that I should listen to Hozier...
    I'm so excited for you to go to his concert! There's nothing like going to see one of your favorite singers live. (though, you'll probably grow even more obsessed with him after you hear him live. ;) ) Anyway, back to the post. The photos are amazing, Min-Ji is adorable, and you did a great job sewing that dress!

    1. Hehehe I will throw the signs at you until you listen to him!! (Jk, but if you do listen to him, you really can't go wrong with any of his songs.)

      Yess! The concert was AWESOME. I've kind of *technically* been to one of his concerts before (it's complicated), and that's what started the obsession haha. Super talented guy and you can tell he loves making music.

      I'm getting so distracted here lol, but thank you!

  4. Min-Ji looks amazing, and I can't believe you sewed that dress yourself! It looks professional!
    That's so exciting that you're going to the concert! Have fun!

  5. Min-Ji is adorable! These are also such well done photos, I could never (I seem to love blurry photos...)! And I think the best kind of photoshoot is one with whatever random and chaotic commentary you think of as you write it. Or at least, that's what I always do!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm a very random person so I figure my posts ought to reflect that. 😂


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