Troy and Min-Ji Do a Best Friend Q&A (OPEN)


    Hey guys! I've received so many comments on Cousins about Min-Ji and Troy's friendship. You all really seem to love their dynamic, and as I was sitting here taking photos for the fourth episode of the series, I had an awesome idea for a post. I want YOU to ask Min-Ji and Troy questions, and they'll answer them in an upcoming post! Feel free to ask them any questions about their friendship, or about themselves individually. I'll be accepting questions for an undecided amount of time, but I'll put closed in the title when I feel we have enough! Until then, feel free to ask questions here in the comment section, or in the Google Form I have linked below. Ask as many as you want--- the more questions we have, the better! 

Click here for the form!

    Until next time, have a great week and remember to eat your veggies! Bye! <3


  1. Ooh, this is fun! I have to say, I'm bad at coming up with questions, but Q&As are super fun to read!

    1. Ah, I think so too! I totally get that lol. Thank you!

  2. I submitted a few questions. I can't wait to see their answers!

    1. I just saw them! Those are great questions, thank you so much!


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