My Chaotic Self Gives Opinions On GOTY 2025


    Hey guys! Gosh, it feels like the GOTY releases are coming earlier and earlier each year... oh wait, they are! 🤣 I can't believe this is the third GOTY in a row that I've reacted to on the blog. We've clearly come a long way since I typed up my thoughts on Kavi, so let's do this thing again! As always, I ask that no rotten tomatoes be thrown in my general direction. 

Summer 18-inch Doll and Journal

Here's the doll herself! She's... definitely a doll. Um, I don't really have a lot to say other than I'm not a fan. She is cute in the pictures I've seen, but I don't see myself ever adding her to my collection. It irks me a bit that they gave her the Nanea mold, but that's not a new criticism that I've seen. I DO like that she has glasses, since Molly is literally the only other doll with glasses (and Z technically) and glasses are SO normal for people to have. I'm actually the only person in my family who doesn't wear glasses or contacts, if that tells you anything. 

Summer's Accessories 

So, moving on to her accessories! I'm not a fan. I think the bracelets are cute and trendy, but that's about all that appeals to me. I will say, my friend and I bought ice cream cone tumblers for the first day of school that are almost identical to the one in Summer's accessories. They were from the Dollar Tree, so I'm pretty sure this doll-sized one is more expensive than the irl ones. 

Summer's Treat Cart

This set actually has so much play value and it's not terribly priced. That being said, it's not a set I would ever get. I feel like I should have prefaced this post by saying that I'm not, and never have been, much of an animal person, so there's a big part of Summer's collection that doesn't appeal to current-teen-me or young-slash-preteen-child-me. I have very annoying allergies which definitely get in the way of being around animals sometimes. Granted, I do have a dog and he was sitting on my bed with me earlier while I was writing this post. 

Summer's Dog, Crescent

NoW tHaT's A fUnKy LoOkInG cOcOnUt...

why was that my first reaction.


The dog does look like Coconut (our beloved AG icon). I actually have Coconut somewhere... I have a lot of doll pets that I never use. At this point I've realized that I need to stop buying them. 

Summer's Bake Sale Outfit

Um... guys I thought Justice closed down during Covid.

Gosh I'm being so mean about Summer right now. 

No hate. I have enough dignity to admit that I was a Justice girl once. I know. I understand if you can no longer read this blog. 

Okay, in all seriousness. this outfit doesn't really appeal to me. It is super cute, but being a teen, I do gravitate towards outfits that have pieces that can be used to make an older look. I won't be adding it to my collection, but I'm sure it would look good on a lot of other dolls. 

Summer's Baking Accessories 

A cute baking set!! Doll kitchen stuff is my weakness... until I remember that all of my doll food is being stored in a gallon sized bag in my closet. 

Also the price is yikes...

Summer's Waggly Pup Tails Outfit


I genuinely can't think of anything to say. It's certainly not my style. 

Summer's Cat, Fettuccine 

I've never liked cats much, but I do feel like this set is a lot more than I could justify paying. Again, I have too many doll pets, so that could just be me. 

Summer's PJs

Okay, I lowkey love that they made her a onesie. I was just talking about onesies with some friends at school a while back. Anyway, I don't love the design of it. I do think onesies that are meant to look like different characters or animals are a lot cuter, but it's something unique from AG.

Summer's Sleep Accessories

Guys, I think Summer likes animals. *pure sarcasm*

I feel like in elementary school I prided myself on being the quirky girl who didn't like animals as much as everyone else. Except for bunnies. I really liked bunnies. I'm allergic to bunnies and I don't know how I just figured that out last year because I've had pet rabbits in the past. 

The point is, I think 8-year old me would have hated Summer. 

Summer's Dog Accessories 

I'm getting huge deja vu from this set. Anyone else?? I swear AG had a similar pet bed available in the truly me line several years ago. Maybe I need to get my dog a life-sized version of this bed. I feel like he would like that. 

So yeah, that got very interesting very quickly. I have to skedaddle (I've got an essay due tomorrow that's not gonna write itself...) so I'll see you later! I'm hoping to get my posting schedule constant again by October, but we'll see how that goes. In the meantime, have a great week and remember to eat your veggies! Bye! <3


  1. I agree with everything you said and laughed out loud about Justice. It's interesting AG marked Summer and her things for girls 6+ rather than 8+ that they usually do, so obviously this is geared toward younger kids.

    1. I'm so glad this post brought you amusement! I let myself have too much fun writing it.
      Barbie and Monster High have started doing the same thing with gearing themselves towards younger kids. I figured AG would follow the same pattern eventually, which is fine, but the aesthetics definitely aren't what a lot of older collectors are looking for.

  2. So admittedly, it's been a while since I've kept up with AG. But I do remember finding out the GOTY at midnight on New Year's Eve and that used to be really it's a little disappointing that they're announcing them in September. But I digress. This collection looks very...childish? It seems so uninspiring. Like, this looks like something you could get at Walmart. I think the Our Generation clothes at Target might be cuter than these...
    I'm definitely not regretting quitting collecting GOTYs at Gabriela.

    1. Yeah... I think it's great for marketing, but the New Year's GOTY reveals were such a big part of my childhood.
      It's definitely childish. And that's okay... it's just not for me! I do feel like the clothes feel very dated, if that makes sense? Like, I don't think that's what kids really wear anymore. Like I mentioned, it's very Justice-reminiscent and I think that era died with the 2010s. (Granted, I don't really have any kids that are in AG's target age range that are in my life.)
      I feel that. I haven't been very interested in any of the GOTYs since Joss, but then again, I've always been more of a fan of the historicals.

    2. I agree with Diamond! Those outfits do have an Our Generation feel to them. 🤔

  3. Yeah, I pretty much agree with you on Summer. The biggest thing she has going for her is that she wears glasses, and that could've been applied to any doll (and should have been! seriously, I've had glasses since I was 8 and AG has so few dolls that do!). I like the heart-shaped pockets on her skirt, and the pets are both quite cute, but that's most of what I have to say.

  4. Okay I agree! Also not an animal person, and never have been. The glasses are cute, and I'm not mad at the Nanea mold, but other than that...I saw Diamond say that the Our Generation clothes at Target are better, and she's probably right at this point.

    1. For sure! I haven't paid very much attention to Our Generation in a while. I decided a few years ago it would be wiser for my space to only have AG-branded clothing (Or I'm just picky with doll clothes. Maybe there's logic in there somewhere.), but looking at Target's website, their clothes are a lot cuter than I remember and a TON more cohesive than Summer's collection.

  5. I laughed out loud at "NoW tHaT's A fUnKy LoOkInG cOcOnUt..." AG really does love their white dogs! I totally agree with your reviews. It seems like a lot of people in the community have similar views...

    1. Haha I got silly with this review 😅
      Thank you for commenting!


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