9 Things To Do With Dolls When You're Bored


    Hey guys! I thought I would do something a little different on the blog today. I do a lot of photoshoots, so I thought it might be fun to talk about my favorite things to do with my dolls when I'm feeling bored. So yeah, let's do this thing or however you write a transition from an intro into the main paragraphs because I still don't know how to do that.

1. Do a photoshoot

It’s not a secret that photoshoots are my favorite things to do with dolls. I love photography. When I’m in a rut, my number one way to keep myself busy is to go outside and take doll pictures. Not only do I get to do something with my dolls, but it’s also nice to get outdoors and take a walk. Where I live, there are a lot of places I can go around my neighborhood to take pictures. I recommend using photography as an excuse to get out and explore.

2. Dress your dolls

I don’t think there’s ever a time where I’m not in the process of dressing my dolls. I have a lot of dolls and that’s probably why. However, I do absolutely love putting together outfits for them. I’ll listen to music while I dress them and boom, I’m entertained for an entire afternoon. It would also be nice to have a show in the background, if that’s your thing. Overall, it's a super chill way to enjoy your dolls.

3. Sew something for your dolls

Going off the last one, if your dolls don’t have many clothes, you can always make some! I know that not everyone sews, but that can be an excuse to learn how. You could also try some no-sew doll clothes tutorials. Sewing is one of my favorite things to do with my dolls behind photography. I have a fabric stash, and I’ll pull fabric from the pile to make whatever I feel at the moment. I just made the cutest dress that I can't wait to show off on the blog. And then I was in the process of making another one and I ran out of white thread...

4. Do some customizing

This one might take a little more planning, but it can be fun to add little customizations to your dolls. I’ll occasionally add small touches to my custom dolls (well, mostly Troy) when I’m bored. It doesn’t have to be as dramatic as a rewigging. Something small like giving your doll freckles can be fun. Piercing your doll’s ears is also a simple thing to do when you’re bored. I just got the supplies to do AG-sized earring piercings on my dolls, and I pierced Olivia-Claire’s ears. You can also do piercings sized for human earrings (I’ve given Troy several of those). 

5. Fix up an old doll

This almost goes along with customization, but if you’re like me and have a lot of dolls who were secondhand, or even just dolls that you’ve had a long time, you might enjoy fixing them up. I typically keep the supplies on hand to fix up dolls, so I might randomly feel like restringing dolls, and obviously not everyone is going to have the supplies for a restringing on hand. However, a boil wash is something that is very easy to do at home.

6. Organize your doll spaces

I will be the first to admit that I’m, like, the least organized person ever, so I probably should do this one more often. Whether you have a dollhouse or have a dedicated corner in your closet for doll accessories, I think I speak for most collectors when I say that doll spaces can get out of hand sometimes. That’s okay, because in this hypothetical scenario, you’re bored and feel like organizing your doll stuff. Yay, life’s problems are solved! (I wish.) I won’t lie, I do love jazzing up my displays for the dolls I keep on my shelves. I’m planning on decorating my big shelf with Christmas lights, and I definitely have some display-only dolls that need outfit changes as well. I’m excited to put my 60’s Barbies in wintery outfits. :) 

7. Do some hair styling

This one can be done along with dressing your dolls. I just find it so therapeutic to do doll hair. I love trying out different hairstyles. I’ll also set time aside to freshen up my curly-haired girlies’ hair. I find that AG’s loose curls get messy super easily, so I spend a lot of time making their hair look nice. It’s very fun.

8. Craft!

I used to craft soooooo much for my dolls during the Covid pandemic. I’m still not over the fact I was so bored one day that I decided to make a doll couch out of a cardboard box. That was the height of my doll crafting phase, truly. I have a lot of accessories for my AG dolls, so I don’t make stuff for them as often, but I might craft some things for my Barbies sometime. I forget that I have full access to my brother’s 3D printer…

9. Online Window shopping

This one is one I’ve been doing a ton since Christmas is coming up. I love scouring eBay and ShopGoodwill for good secondhand doll deals. The other day, I was also looking on Etsy for Barbie furniture (because omg you can find so many cute things in 1:6 scale??).

And that's nine things you can do with your dolls when you're bored! I hope some of you found this helpful. Let me know in the comments some of the things you like to do with your dolls! Until next time, have a great week and remember to eat your veggies! Bye! <3


  1. I love that part where you said you organize your space…tell me more. 😜

  2. You’re going to need to tell me how to do the AG style piercings! I have SO many (too many) AG earrings and nothing to do with them 😅

    1. Trust me, I have been in your shoes. It was super easy, it just took some patience! I got her head slightly warm with a blow-dryer and then poked a hole in her ear with an awl. It was somewhat tedious to do so, that's where the patience comes in! Once the awl got all the way through, I found I had to leave it in the hole for a few minutes, otherwise the earring wouldn't fit. It took a little bit of forcing to get the earring all the way in after that, but it was manageable.

  3. This is a great list! I do quite a few of these with my dolls already, but there were some I haven't ever thought to do before. I'll definitely have to refer to this post later when I'm bored ;)

    1. I figured some of the ideas might be obvious, but I'm glad that there were a few that were original! Yay! Thank you so much!

  4. These are great ideas!
    I totally should spend time organizing my BAB space. I've been needing to do that since I moved bedrooms in...July.😅


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