A Holiday Card for You

    I'm back from the abyss of no posts. HUZZAH. I'm going to blame it on midterms and a general lack of ideas and motivation. I constantly feel like the dog who is in the burning house meme. Does anyone know that meme? 

    Yeah, this is actually me if anyone was wondering. (Not my image, obviously.) 

   Seriously though, I missed y'all. December really got away from me. I had a great idea for a photostory, and next thing I know, it was less than a week until Christmas! I spent too long just trying to survive to get anything accomplished. But I did just want to pop in and just say hey and that I'm not dead. I had a photoshoot planned today, but it just did not turn out at all. Since I'm running out of time before Christmas, I thought I'd turn one of the photos into a digital Christmas card! Yeah... I dunno what you can use it for, but it seemed fun. So here ya go: 

    And yeah, that's about all. 

    I'm super excited for Christmas this year. We've already had Xmas with my extended family, and I got (the first, from 1962) Barbie car, which I am SO excited to do photos with. Also a new camera bag that is going to be SO nice because my old camera bag is extremely heavy. (And I just have way too much stuff in it.) So check back on the blog within the next week or so because there might be some cool stuff. (That's not foreshadowing, I genuinely have no idea what's coming up on the blog.) If y'all like seeing hauls I could probably do that...? 

    Anyway, here's another photo I took that I adore. I got pink Christmas lights for my room and wanted to play around with some bokeh. I am OBSESSED (with this doll and the photo). 

    I'll see you guys again soon! Have an amazing holiday season and remember to eat your veggies! Bye! <3 


  1. That meme is literally the summary of my life (😭😂). And the having an amazing photoshoot planned but not turning out is how roughly 75% of my photoshoots go 😂. Seriously... I need to find an AG sized I am Kenough sweatshirt...

    1. Sameee tho. It might as well be me in the meme.
      I mean, I think photoshoots that don't turn out is what unites us doll photographers. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
      Omg you might have just given me a new sewing project idea...
      Thanks for commenting!

  2. Your Christmas card is so cute! I hope you had a very merry Christmas!

    1. Thank you so much! I hope your Christmas was merry as well!

  3. Happy Holidays E! From Purple Frog. (I broke my old computer and I'm trying to get my account back lol)

    1. Oh no! Rest in peace, Purple Frog's old computer! I'm happy to hear from you regardless. :) Happy Holidays!

  4. I think I'm also a bit of a burning-house dog. Not right now, but during the semester . . . yeah. Best of luck and hope it all goes well.
    Very cute Christmas card! May I ask whose feet these are?

    1. Thank you!
      Those are Samantha's feet lol! I was going to do a photoshoot with her because I love her Christmas outfit... but yeah.

  5. that meme is me on a daily basis lol
    love the Christmas card! I will forever love doll feet pics
    oh heavens that came out so so so wrong

    1. It's the realest. I literally almost bought a sticker of it for my car today lol.
      Hehe we'll just... ignore that. 👀😉😂

  6. I can definitely relate to not posting as much this holiday season. I think because of how late Thanksgiving was, the Christmas season really felt like it flew by this year!

    Both the Christmas card and the photo you took of Ken, turned out so good! Pink lights just really fit Ken's vibe, lol. Also, I seriously cannot wait to see your post about the 1962 Barbie car! That is seriously so cool!

    I hope you had an amazing Christmas <3

    1. It was seriously something. I feel like my teachers worked me right up until finals and then suddenly we were off for Christmas break!
      Thank you so much! The pink lights really do fit him. I was looking around to find a doll to use and I thought he was perfect. I'll have to do a photoshoot with the car soon!
      I hope you had an amazing Christmas as well! <3


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