My Collecting Goals for 2025


    Hey guys! Since it's 2025, I thought it might be time to make my New Year's resolutions. I'm not much of a resolution maker, but I think having some goals for my doll collecting this year would be extremely helpful for me. I also thought that making a blog post about my goals would be easy to refer back to and help keep me accountable. So yeah, hopefully you guys don't mind seeing my goals! Let's get into it! 

No more than 2 new American Girl dolls in my collection (Ideally 0)

I have mentioned some that I'm not planning on adding any new dolls to my collection. I have all of the historicals, and there aren't really any other dolls I want to seek out! If I find a doll that I can't pass up, I'll allow myself to buy her, but I really don't want to go over two new additions this year. After that, if a doll comes in, a doll has to come out. My goal is technically one new addition, but I'll allow two max. In a perfect world, I'll add zero, but I'm really eyeing Moana, so we'll see how that goes. 

Some statistics: In 2024, I added 3 dolls to my collection. That was the first time since 2020 that I only added 3 dolls to my collection in one year. Technically, if we're not counting the Barbie collector doll since I bought her in 2023, I only got 2 new dolls. That was the first time since... uh, 2016. If I only got one doll this year, that would be the first time since 2017. I haven't added 0 dolls since 2015, which was 10 years ago... 

In addition, I can only buy secondhand dolls from Flea Markets or Facebook Marketplace

No more scrolling Ebay for good doll deals. I still plan to buy from Ebay, but just not for dolls. 😅 However, if I find a cheap doll I love locally, I will go for it. Flea markets are especially emphasized because I LOVE thrift stores, antique malls, flea markets, charity shops... all of it. I tend to not buy the dolls I find in flea markets, but if I have another find like Min-Ji, you can guess what I'm doing. 

Make sure I have 1 outfit from each Historical character's collection (that's not a meet outfit or PJs)

This one sounds ambitious but I'm actually only missing outfits for Rebecca and Caroline. I normally just put the best friends in one of their friend's outfits, but if I get around to it, I might track down some outfits for Elizabeth, Emily, and Ruthie. 

Prioritize Kirsten's Collection

It seems like AG has had an interest in re-releasing some of Kirsten's stuff lately, so here's to hoping we see even more of it in 2025! I really want to prioritize collecting Kirsten's outfits because when I switch out my white body dolls' outfits, I only have 3 things I can display her in! Molly and Samantha have more options than she does. (Though I could probably use more Samantha stuff too... I've been eyeing some of her retired outfits for YEARS at this point.) 

Get all of Molly's outfits

I've been trying to complete this goal for years, but I'm really not in a rush for it to be done this year. I have about half of the outfits that have been released for Molly, and I've always thought it would be cool to have all of them. The ones I really want are, of course, her super expensive ones, so I'll definitely have to do a lot of saving money and waiting for good deals to come up. That is 100% my favorite part of collecting AG. :) 

Send Kailey to the Doll Hospital

Did you guys even know I have Kailey Hopkins? I kinda erased her from the blog. I've had Kailey since 2021(?) but she has a vinyl defect that made her turn BRIGHT ORANGE and I hate that. </3 I think I would really love to have Kailey in my collection, so I'm making a written commitment to send her to the doll hospital (Or... doll care center, since they changed the name apparently) for a head replacement and new limbs. I don't have space to keep around dolls that I don't get enjoyment from. I have such an "I can fix her" mentality about this doll lol. 

Bond with dolls! 

One of the cons of having a large collection is that there are definitely dolls that get ignored. The bright side of that is discovering a doll you forgot you had and feeling like you just got a new doll. I have so many dolls that I would like to give more attention to, so this is going to be a huge goal for me this year. 

Take photos of all of my dolls

Part of bonding with my dolls, I've realized that some of my dolls that I've had for YEARS I've never taken pictures of... oops. 😬 It's ambitious, but I would love to do at least one photoshoot of each of my dolls this year. Although, that boils down to roughly one photoshoot per week and I don't know if I have that much free time. I think the practice would be extremely beneficial, however. We're already a pretty good way into January, so I might have a little bit of catching up to do... (Honestly I need to check my math lol)

Organize my doll stuff

Yeah... I don't want to talk about the state of my dolls' clothing and accessories. This is overdue, honestly. 

Sew some cute doll clothes

I'm going to have no problem with this one, but I really want to make a dent in my fabric stash before I bring any more fabric home. 😅 I'm going to make lots of cute doll clothes this year! I recently got a few 18-inch doll sewing patterns at a flea market, so I'm excited to use them. 

Buy a 1960s Ponytail Barbie

Okay, I know. This is not an American Girl goal at all. But! I really want this doll right now, and she's going to be displayed with my AG x Barbie Collab doll. They're going to be so cute next to each other, I just love it. I'm thinking this will be a summer job money purchase because I want one in good condition and those can cost a lot. But yeah, AG Barbie needs her Barbie sister to go with her. 

And that's it for my goals! Hopefully I can manage to accomplish them! (Especially the first one, that's the most important!) What are y'all's collecting goals this year? 

Have a great week and remember to eat your veggies! Bye! <3 


  1. I'm ngl to you E... as someone who literally JUST published a "New Dolls" post to my blog... I feel a little called out in the rudest way 😂😭 (not really, but like... wow 😂😂). Also, I am WAITING for the day you decide to open an Etsy store... because I've never taken to sewing but desperately need an AG-sized "I Am Kenough" sweatshirt (I mean, how awesome would that look on Cielo?), and if I'm going to pay an insane amount of money for doll clothes on Etsy.... I'd rather support your small business. yk? So with your resolution of sewing... keep that in mind???

    1. Ah nah girl, I had this scheduled before you posted your "New Dolls" post. 😭
      I've thought about opening an Etsy shop a little bit before... will this be the year I finally do it? We shall see. I agree though, Cielo needs an "I Am Kenough" sweatshirt. Time to figure out how I can do that without an embroidery machine... 😉

  2. Good luck with your goals! I hope you get the outfits you want and I hope you have enough self-control to hold off on getting new dolls. 🫡 As someone who's lost count of how many Build-a-Bears are in her collection, erm, take it as a win that you can still count how many dolls you have.

    1. Thanks, Diamond! I uh... honestly kind of don't know how many dolls I have off the top of my head but... who needs details? 😂
      (Also, you were the 1000th comment on the blog!)


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