It's My Blog-iverisary?!?! (Five years?!?!?!😱)


    Hi guys! It's my 5th blog-iverisary... Now, you might be thinking, "wait a second, E, didn't you just start blogging last October??" Well, if you've ever read through my old posts (it can't just be me who does this, right?) or if you've been here for a while (you're an OG reader if that's the case), you've probably seen my Formal Introduction Post that I posted on October 3, 2022. This was my "first" post... But this blog has been built on a foundation of lies. Just kidding! I explain it briefly in my introduction post, and my blog banner actually says "est. 2018," but I actually started this blog in 2018! 

    My first post was published on August 19, 2018. Five years ago today. I wanted to share pictures of my dolls, as AG photography was a hobby I was starting to get very into. I was too young for social media, and so my mom suggested I start a blog! I named the blog Just Dolling, because it kind of sounds like when you say "just darling" in a British accent, and dolls are very darling, let's be real. That blog that younger me made is the very one you're reading right now. 

    I never in a million years would have thought that five years after publishing that first post, I'd still love American Girl dolls. I never even thought to imagine it. I had no idea that I'd one day be in high school, still making a huge mess trying to dress my dolls, their clothing strewn out all over the place, feeling absolutely burnt out of good outfit ideas... and loving every second of it. I never could have imagined getting my driver's permit and thinking, "Now my AG RC car is going to get a lot more use!" I never could have pictured myself, wearing adult-sized clothing, trying to match my outfits with my dolls. I had no idea I'd spend every dollar I made babysitting on dolls and their clothes. The thought never occurred to me, that as a teenager, I'd pass a boring school day by thinking about my dolls and their antics. Because as much as American Girl meant to me at the time, I never dreamed that it would mean even more to me as I got older. American Girl is my creative outlet, my hobby, my obsession. American Girl is a part of who I am. The fact that I'm still into dolls after all this time is awesome, not just because most people have grown out of dolls by my age, but because it's helped me figure out who I am. I love that. 


Here's a random photo of Logan because why not?

    This past almost-year has been my best blogging experience. I've truly gotten to experience being a part of a blogging community, and that's so awesome. I love running this blog. Maybe the first 4 years this blog was around shouldn't technically count, but what does count is that, after all of this time, AG is still something I hold dear to my heart, and I get to share that. 2018 me would have thought that 2023 me was literally the coolest person ever. So thank you for being a Just Dolling reader. ❤ 

    Oh, and did I mention that my original posts from 2018-2019 are back on the blog? I had them in my drafts for a bit when I restarted Just Dolling, but I've put them back up. They're very cute. :) 

    There are so many more awesome posts coming up in the future. Stay tuned! Although, school starts for me on Monday, so there's that. Well, that's on Monday. We won't worry about that yet. Have a great day, and as always, remember to eat your veggies! Bye! 


  1. awww, happy blogiversary! AG really seems to mean more and more as you get older, doesn't it? your blog is honestly one of my favorite ones in the blogosphere, and I hope you keep blogging for a long time to come!
    also, that's such a good photo of Logan!

    1. Thanks, RJ! It does. My dolls have been there for me during a lot of hard times and changes in my life, and that just makes them even more special to me. It means so much to me that you love my blog! I hope to keep blogging for a very long time! Your blog is definitely one that inspired me to start blogging again.

  2. Happy blog-iversry!! My goodness this blog seems ancient doesn't it? Its a treasure trove of creative ideas and boundless inspiration. The community you have built here is so kind and uplifting! I'm so happy for you E! Wishing your blog many more years of fun!!

    1. Aww, Purple Frog! Thank you so much! You're such a sweet friend and your comments always make my day. I don't think I would be here without you! Gosh, I'm just starting to realize how long 5 years actually is. This blog does seem ancient!

  3. Happy blogiversary, E! May there be many more to come! Thanks for being such a positive influence and all-around amazing person in the AG-blogging community. I hope you have a great first day of school!

    1. Thank you, Reesa! I'm sure there will be many, many more blog-iversaries to celebrate in the future! Aw, that means so much. I love being a part of this community! I hope you have a great first day as well, and if you're already back, I hope it's been an excellent start of the school year!

  4. Congratulations! *cheers* Five years is such a huge accomplishment <3 And you should be so proud of yourself. Your blog is amazing!

    1. Thank you! It is! Even though I took a VERY long break, I still think it's pretty awesome that AG is still such a big interest of mine. Thank you so much! Your blog is amazing as well. :)


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