A theory by someone who is totally not a time traveler...

     Hey guys! I've been busy with school, but I hope to have a real blog post soon. I recently came up with a theory/observation of patterns for some of AG's releases, and to test this theory, I wanted to try to predict what the September collector doll will be. I think we're going to see a Harry Potter themed doll. I won't explain my thinking right now, but this is my current theory and I want to have it written down somewhere in case I happen to be right. I've made an interesting observation on American Girl's release patterns that I plan to talk about in the future! I'll go really deep into this theory IF you guys are interested. I'll give it a name and everything. Even if my guess happens to be completely wrong, it's still something I've noticed! This is, again, just a guess going off some observations I've made. I think it's interesting and no one else has caught on to this. Also, I wanted to pop and say that, yes, I am totally falling behind on posts but we're going to blame it on school and my complete lack of perception of time. There's a post in the works, but I've not made much progress on it, so I think I'm going to do something else for now! Let me know what posts you guys would be interested in seeing! 

    Bye for now! Remember to eat your veggies! <3



  1. You're not the only one to think it's HP related. It's so fun to speculate! And I"m guessing you think it will be released Sept 13th when the wizards go to school? You certainly could be right, but when I try to think through the lens of business, I can't really see that happening. I think AG has made too many dolls that are so close to HP characters. Evette is a classic Hermione. There isn't a Harry look alike right now, but Logan and 74 could make a Harry Potter. They haven't made a Ron look alike but I also can't see them making a big release on a boy doll nor a minor HP character.

    I'm also trying to figure out what the snowflake would signify with HP.....
    I know all the HP stuff AG is releasing is selling well, which is why you certainly could be right! I just bought a quidditch set, but I still think as far as dolls go, the princesses are the ones that will sell. I'm predicting a snowflake princess or, as other people have said AG will continue the crystal series - last year we got a sapphire doll, maybe this year we'll get a snowflake diamond doll? It will be so fun to see! I am surprised AG hasn't said anything about it yet.

    1. It is fun to speculate! I'm excited to see what the doll will be, whether we get a Harry Potter themed doll or something else!

  2. I love all of your post ideas! The photo stories are fun, sewing-inspired and even reviews are always a hit in my books. You can’t go wrong. We love your writing, your pictures and inspiration…most of all we love your reminder to always eat our veggies. 😉 Can’t wait to see what you post when you post it. No worries on timing, we’ll take a post when we can get it.

    Can’t wait to hear your theory and maybe see a new Harry Potter doll…or, in line with Heather’s theory…maybe a crystal inspired one!

    1. Thanks! I'll be excited if my theory ends up being right, but either way I'm excited to see the September doll!

  3. Ooh, I'd be interested to see if you're right, and it would be cool to see how AG would do an actual Harry Potter collector doll!


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